If you have a purple color suit in your future, you're going to need this men's purple godfather hat to make the audience go whoa. A brimmed hat like a godfather has that certain something that makes it hard to look away when you are wearing one. Featuring 100% Wool felt and a satin lining, this is the brim hat that you won't be ignored in. Originally hats like these were called Homburg hats. These were more upscale mens dress hats than your more common fedora. You can wear this purple dress hat if you need the type of hat that you saw in the movie Norbit. This will make the perfect color if you are trying to dress up in a Norbit Costume or if you need a hat to match a purple color suit. If you're looking for a mens purple dress hat, you should strongly consider getting a purple godfather hat from ContempoSuits.com.