Jul 19, 2023

Men's Linen Clothing - What Shoes to Wear

Now, I get this question everyday from Customers on the phone and in the store. What kind of shoes can I wear with Linen Clothing? What Kind of shoes can I wear with my Linen Outfit? What type of shoes should I wear with My Linen Walking Sets? Well, depending on where you are exactly. The answer is pretty simple. Wear either matching color dress shoes or you can wear nice matching color casual shoes like driving shoes with Linen clothing. The reason is this, although wearing Linen outfits is casual by nature, you still should want to look your best and get out of a sloppy mindset when it comes to clothing.

Remember that when you are out in public you should show the world that you take pride in how you wear clothing and how you dress so you want to take great care in how you put yourself together and that even applies to wearing the right shoes with Linen. My rule of thumb is this. If you're wearing a new suit or Linen outfit, then you should be wearing new shoes or shoes in new condition with your new linen walking suit. Nothing looks worse than wearing a new outfit or suit and throwing on a pair of shoes that look like you found them behind a garbage dumpster somewhere. Like I said previously you need to take pride in how you look in public so you want to wear new matching color dress shoes or matching color casual driving mocs with your Linen attire. If you put on a fashion color linen set, don't kill the outfit by either wearing old beat up shoes or shoes that don't match at all.

Don't go putting on a lavender linen set and then proceed to kill the look with a pair of black shoes just because you had them lying around in your closet collecting dust. If you're going to get bold with colors, you need to get bold and match all the way. Otherwise it will look like you kind of cheaped out. Now if you aren't going to match the shoes per say to your linen outfit, your other option will be to make sure you are wearing a hat or say a Kangol cap on your head that matches your shoes. That way you look like you went forth and put some effort into your look. So let's say your linen outfit is white but you don't really feel like wearing white shoes with it, but have some black shoes, make sure that you top off your head with a black hat.

This way you will look polished from head to toe. But, your best bet is to really put forth the effort and find a pair of matching shoes on ContempoSuits.com. This way if you find a sky blue linen outfit you be assured that you'll find a pair of sky blue shoes to match.