Jul 19, 2023

Men's Suit Do's & Don't's

Although this is an article on Men's suit Do's and Don't, don't be surprised if you find far more don'ts enclosed here. The reason for this being is that there are far more mistakes made when wearing suits for men than not. I see them everyday from completely obvious to the not quite as obvious. One of first things to know about wearing suits is how a suit is supposed to fit. Mens suits are not sweat shirts and are not supposed to fit baggy. They are tailor made garment that should fit like it was made for your physique. Slim Fit Suits are perfect for this sort of tailored look providing you're in good shape. Bagginess in the suit jacket looks absolutely terrible coupled with the fact that the lapels won't lay right on your chest and the collar part on your suit should hug the nape of your neck. If there is a gap that never goes away, chances are your suit either doesn't fit properly or is poorly tailored. Mens suits simply shouldn't do that at all.

Next on our suit agenda is to button or not to button your suit jacket. The answer is yes and no. Why is this. The reason is simple. When your are standing up and you're wearing a suit with a tie, your jacket should always be buttoned but you leave the lowest button open. People always ask me why you leave the lowest button open and reason is simple as well. The lowest suit jacket button is left open for movement. You see, if you button that last button on the bottom of your suit, there is going to be some pulling going. Pulling is bad, plus it will look like there is pulling going on and your jacket won't be sitting properly on you because of it. Plus for the fact, it just doesn't look very good when the last button is fastened on your suit jacket. When you sit down you should always unfasten the buttons on your suit jacket because it will avoid unnecessary stress on the seams of your suit jacket. When you rise, just fasten your buttons again. No one ever said that wearing a suit was just as easy as wearing a t shirt.

Now that you have those little rules clear, here is the next item on our agenda. Your shoes. Never ever wear a pair of dress shoes that look like they have seen better days with your suits. Do I really have to explain why? Make sure your dress shoes are in new condition and polished. It just looks like you are a derelict that put on a suit that was donated to your when your shoes like you got them out of a dumpster behind the Salvation Army. When you are wearing mens suits, you have to look perfect from top to bottom. Next on our suit school agenda is your shirt and tie. Once again, make sure your shirt looks new and clean. If it's been laundered too many times, it may be time for that shirt to be donated and not to be worn with a suit anymore. Your shirt collar should be clean and crisp.

If there is any beard pilling or fraying going on, you can take your dress shirts to a tailor and they can flip the collar over for you for a nominal charge if your shirts are costly. If not, get rid of them. Nothing looks better than a gleaming new dress shirt when you're wearing suits. Your neck tie is something that shouldn't be ignored either because let's face it, it's all part of your appearance. Make sure your tie is clean, make sure you know how to properly and correctly tie your necktie so you don't look like don't know how to put yourself together. If you get good enough tying you necktie, you may want to learn how to get that center dimple going, it always looks good that way. So, if you take pride in how you look while wearing mens suits, you will quickly notice how people start to look at you on a whole new level.