If you're a fan of wearing a black godfather hat when you get dressed up in your Double Breasted Suit and style has always been a personality trait that you possess, have you considered adding a black Godfather felt hat to your list also known as the Homburg hat. Godfather hats have that attitude that the well dressed man who takes his clothing seriously desires. This dark black Godfather hat is made of 100% wool felt with a full satin lining with a leather hat band sewn inside. so if you want to start matching your suits with hats, make sure that Godfather hats are high on your list. If you're trying to put together a period correct costume like a Boardwalk Empire Costume and need a hat like you see Nucky Thompson wearing. Then, it's a Homburg hat that you need because that is all you see Nucky Thompson wearing on the show. A black homburg will make that costume look as authentic as possible because with the classic style that a homburg has, it will lend itself to making your costume look as period correct as possible.